Dan Connolly (computer Scientist)

Contoh Soal: Soal Olimpiade Sains Nasional Matematika SmaConnolly chaired the W3C’s HTML Working Group that produced the HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0 specifications. Together with Jon Bosak he formed the W3C XML Working Group that created the W3C XML 1.0 Recommendation. Connolly chaired the first RDF Data Access Working Group, and served on the W3C Technical Architecture Group and the first Web Ontology Working Group. He was involved in the application of RDF in calendar software. His research interests include investigating the value of formal descriptions of chaotic systems like the Web, particularly in the consensus-building process, and the Semantic Web. He is mentioned in Tim Berners-Lee’s book, Weaving the Web, where he is referred to as an expert in web technology, hypertext systems, and markup languages. In June 2010, Dan left the W3C and took a position with University of Kansas School of Medicine as a Biomedical Informatics Software Engineer in their Department of Biostatistics. As of 2021, he works as a software engineer for Agoric. Connolly, Dan (2000-09-07). “Kansas City, ’67-’86”. Connolly, Dan (1999-01-24). “Austin: ’86-’90”. Gillies, James; Cailliau, Robert (2000). How the Web was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Berners-Lee, Tim (1999). Weaving the Web. New York: Harper Collins. Berners-Lee, Tim; Connolly, Daniel (June 1993). “Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)”. World Wide Web Consortium. Berners-Lee, Tim; Connolly, Dan (1995-09-22). “Hypertext Markup Language – 2.0: Document Structure”. Gillies, James; Cailliau, Robert (2000). How the Web was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Messmer, Ellen (1996-05-13). “New HTML gets official stamp”. Garfinkel, Simson L. (December 1998). “The Web’s unelected government”. This biographical article relating to a computer specialist in the United States is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

Italia Vlog - Sekolah Desain di Eropa (Fashion Design & Desain Lainnya)Alive and Lickin’, a live album with the Hot Licks, followed in 2001. In 2003, Surfdog released Dan Hicks and The Hot Licks: Featuring an All-Star Cast of Friends, a live CD/DVD package. These albums reinvigorated Hicks, and the guests reflected their longtime admiration for the Hot Licks. Dan Hicks and The Hot Licks’ comeback was met with widespread critical acclaim and led to several more albums under the Surfdog label. In his later years, Hicks occasionally played jazz standards at intimate venues in the San Francisco Bay Area with Bayside Jazz. In the film Class Action (1991), Hicks is seen performing with Eisenberg and Price at Rosatti’s in San Francisco. From its founding in 1977 until late in his life, Hicks played with the San Francisco Bay Area’s Christmas Jug Band. Thomas Dolby covered his song “I Scare Myself”. Billboard called Hicks an eccentric whose music contained elements of country, folk, jazz, and comedy.

RI 4.0 saat ini sudah sangat maju baik dari sudut pandang ilmiah dan penelitian maupun implementasi dan praktek-praktek di lapangan, serta telah banyak perusahaan menerapkannya, Pertanian 4.0 masih dibatasi dan ditunda secara teori, dan belum diterapkan secara luas. RI 4.0 di bidang pertanian masih terbatas pada perusahaan perintis dan masih langka. Untuk alasan ini, pembuat kebijakan dan pengambil keputusan disarankan untuk berinvestasi pada kemajuan teknologi dan menawarkan kepada semua sektor ekonomi (misalnya, industri dan pertanian) berbagai cara untuk mempromosikan pembangunan yang inovatif dan bahkan berkelanjutan sesuai dengan tujuan SDGs. Untuk alasan ini, pembuat kebijakan harus menawarkan kebijakan yang mendukung perluasan teknologi bagi semua pelaku usaha pertanian, khususnya UKM agar mereka lebih kompetitif di pasar. Dampak RI 4.0 di bidang Pertanian menciptakan literasi baru pada data, teknologi, dan kemanusiaan. Pertanian cerdas dan pertanian presisi, yang telah dikembangkan dalam revolusi industri sebelumnya telah ditingkatkan dengan tren teknologi terbaru dan terkini di era RI 4.0. Pemanfaatan RI 4.0 menjadikan sektor pertanian sebagai peluang bisnis dengan menerapkan teknologi terkini untuk modernisasi proses pertanian dan memainkan peran penting dalam permintaan pasar saat ini.

Dan Connolly (born 1967) is an American computer scientist who was closely involved with the creation of the World Wide Web as a member of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Connolly was born in 1967 and grew up with four siblings in Prairie Village, in the Kansas City metropolitan area, where he attended Bishop Miege High School. From 1986 to 1990 he attended University of Texas at Austin, earning a B.S. In October 1991, Connolly was working on the documentation tools team at Convex Computer when he joined the Web project’s mailing list to discuss the browser he had written for the X Window System. Soon after he started advocating for HTML to adopt an SGML document type definition. With Berners-Lee he was co-editor of the initial Internet Engineering Task Force’s draft specification for HTML. Connolly took a position as research scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science. He stayed in Boston for two years before returning to Texas while continuing to work for W3C as a remote worker.

Upaya ini diteruskan oleh anaknya, Abul Abbas Al-Ma’mun. Ketika Al-Ma’mun menjadi khalifah (ketujuh, 813-833 M), para duta dikirimkannya ke Byzantium untuk mencari buku-buku sains Yunani dan menerjemahkannya. Ibnu Khaldun merekam episode ini dalam bukunya, Muqaddimah. Cerita ini sekaligus menjadi bukti bahwa peradaban Islam bukan kilometer nol. Banyak saintis besar muslim yang dilahirkan ketika itu. Sebut misalnya, Ibnu Rusyd (filsuf), Ibnu Sina (filsuf, dokter), Al-Khwarizmi (matematikawan, astronom), Al-Kindi (filsuf), Sanad Ibnu Ali (astronom), Jabir Ibnu Hayyan (ahli metalurgi). Pada dasarnya banyak dari mereka yang merupakan polymath, menguasi lebih dari satu bidang. Para saintis inilah yang menghadirkan Zaman Keemasan Islam. Pada saat itu, sains digemari dan saintis dihormati. Pengembangan sains merupakan salah satu sayap peradaban Islam. Kapan dan mengapa sayap ini mulai patah? Tidak ada penjelasan tunggal yang disepakati bersama. Yang paling sering kita dengar adalah karena serangan bangsa Mongol yang meluluhlantakkan Baghdad pada pertengahan abad ke-13. Namun, literatur menyimpan beragam teori, termasuk di dalamnya adalah krisis ekonomi di Iran pada abad ke-11 yang telah membuat para saintis bermigrasi, naiknya kuasa pemimpin agama yang menjadikan fokus berubah ke pengembangan ilmu agama dan memberi ruang terbatas untuk pengembangan sains.